Making Sense of Your Life by Willie Horton
All too often in our daily lives we find ourselves in situations in life that could be described as less than ideal, whether it's in our job,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots, our relationship or, indeed, just in terms of how we feel about ourselves. Did you ever wonder how you got there? Well,what really turns you on, the answer is extraordinarily simple - it's your own doing! We make choices on a moment to moment basis and all the choices that you have made in your adult life have added up to get you to where you find yourself in this present moment,strategies. Unfortunately, however, we are completely unaware of most of the choices that we make because we make them subconsciously - or our subconscious mind makes the choice for us - in other words our choices are made for us automatically.
That's great, you might say, you don't have to contend with having to decide on every little thing that you have to do - lots of stuff gets done for you without your having to think about it at all! For example, you don't have to decide how to brush your teeth each morning, your subconscious mind simply gets the job done for you effortlessly. Of course that is great - but only up to a point, because, in absolutely everything that you do throughout the normal routine of your day, your subconscious mind is making similar automatic choices. And your subconscious mind doesn't make its choices based on where you are, what you are doing or should be doing, who you are with or what is actually going on. Your subconscious mind makes its decisions based on what psychology calls your stored knowledge,YOU deserve them. Again, you might say, that's cool, I've been learning as I go and don't have to relearn stuff to enable me get through my normal day. Again, that is cool - but only up to a point. In fact, you haven't been learning as you go - psychology confirms that you have learned precious little about how to behave and how to get the most out of your life since you were eleven or twelve years old.
You see, the big problem is that your moment to moment decisions are made for you based on a body of stored knowledge that was largely learned before you reached the age of eleven or twelve. So, if you're now thirty five years old and you meet someone who might be important in progressing your life, your business or your career, your subconscious mind will dictate your evaluation of that person, what is taking place, your resultant choices and your consequent behaviour - based on data, or your stored knowledge, that is more than twenty years out of date.
This is the way that the normal mind operates - and you are completely unaware that it is happening. Little wonder that normal people cannot see the wood for the trees. Little wonder that normal people miss out on so many opportunities to better themselves that are, quite literally, staring them in the face each and every day - yes, every single day! Little wonder that normal people keep making the same mistakes - repeating the same failed patterns of behaviour that have got them into those less than ideal life situations. Little wonder that the normal life is mundane and repetitive - and that so many normal people feel dissatisfied and unfulfilled.
In order to make more of your life, you've got to drag your subconscious mind - it may do a little kicking and screaming - from its automatic obsession with your past into the reality of the present. You've got to come to your senses - I mean that literally, you've got to reacquaint yourself with what it's like to fully experience the here and now - seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling and tasting what's going on. Otherwise you will simply automatically assume that a new person that you meet or a new situation that you encounter is similar to what you've experienced before - and you will miss the opportunity to move your life onto a different plane.
On the one hand, however, paying subconscious attention to the here and now is simply something that doesn't come naturally to us as normal adults. On the other, we were all experts at paying complete attention to the here and now when we were children - before that watershed age of eleven or twelve. We've got to relearn how to experience what is really going on in the here and now - because, when we do, we will start taking positive action to change our lives rather than simply and automatically repeating old behavioural patterns that have landed us in our current mundane existence.
So some retraining is required. You can start small, because all great journeys start with the first step. Let your first step be taken tomorrow morning. For once in your adult life, you deliberately and consciously decide how you're going to brush your teeth - don't leave the decision up to a crazy mind that's living in your childhood. It may seem like a puerile exercise - but it will shake your subconscious mind from its deadly slumber and set your mind up to look at everything from a fresh and present perspective. Brushing your teeth with the hand with which you don't habitually brush your teeth is like going to the mental gym - you need to work out, you need to get mentally fit, at seven o'clock in the morning in the bathroom, when it doesn't matter - because then you'll become fighting fit in the cut and thrust of your everyday life and that is when it really does matter. In starting with something so apparently ridiculous as changing the way your brush your teeth, you will change your life.
Copyright (c) 2010 Willie Horton
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Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Take this riddle for example
How To Stop Making Bad Decisions by Anne Warfield
Most people think they act out of logic but the reality is that you act out of emotion and you justify your actions by logic.
Understanding this fact is key to your success in stopping making bad decisions. In order to make a good decision you need to manage the emotions rather than have them manage you. In order to do this you need to remove judgment from your thinking and get clarity on the facts,whether it is in business.
1.Remove judgment by looking at the problem from ALL sides. Write down what you are thinking as you ponder the problem from your point of view, then from all other parties point of view. Put these written thoughts down in columns so you can see them side by side.
2,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots.Next go through and cross out all opinions, and judgmental words so all you are left with is concrete fact.
3,is a list of some common colors and what the color symbolizes in Feng Shui..Scan the facts from all angles. If you need to buy some distance and time from the problem so you can get clear thinking.
4.Write down possible solutions that each party would want. Again cross out any judgmental or assumptive words.
5.Look at it and try to come up with a solution that embraces all sides.
You will be surprised how often you cloud your judgment by being assumptive about why people do what they do or by taking a fact plus opinion and turning it in to a different fact.
Take this riddle for example: A father and son are rushed to the emergency room. The surgeon walks in and says "I can't operate. That is my son in there." Who is the surgeon?
Many people automatically say it is the father of the father or, in other words, the grandson. The correct answer is it is the boys mother,it is always you who needs to love yourself first. Make a positive commitment to yourself. Now I know that is an old riddle but 20 years ago it stumped people because no one thought about the Mom being a surgeon. Today that is common place so that hopefully didn't stump you. The point is that clarity comes from stepping back and taking all the facts, laying them out and then seeing what conclusions can be drawn.
Take Action: This week take a problem you are facing and try this method to see if you can see new insights you didn't see before.
Most people think they act out of logic but the reality is that you act out of emotion and you justify your actions by logic.
Understanding this fact is key to your success in stopping making bad decisions. In order to make a good decision you need to manage the emotions rather than have them manage you. In order to do this you need to remove judgment from your thinking and get clarity on the facts,whether it is in business.
1.Remove judgment by looking at the problem from ALL sides. Write down what you are thinking as you ponder the problem from your point of view, then from all other parties point of view. Put these written thoughts down in columns so you can see them side by side.
2,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots.Next go through and cross out all opinions, and judgmental words so all you are left with is concrete fact.
3,is a list of some common colors and what the color symbolizes in Feng Shui..Scan the facts from all angles. If you need to buy some distance and time from the problem so you can get clear thinking.
4.Write down possible solutions that each party would want. Again cross out any judgmental or assumptive words.
5.Look at it and try to come up with a solution that embraces all sides.
You will be surprised how often you cloud your judgment by being assumptive about why people do what they do or by taking a fact plus opinion and turning it in to a different fact.
Take this riddle for example: A father and son are rushed to the emergency room. The surgeon walks in and says "I can't operate. That is my son in there." Who is the surgeon?
Many people automatically say it is the father of the father or, in other words, the grandson. The correct answer is it is the boys mother,it is always you who needs to love yourself first. Make a positive commitment to yourself. Now I know that is an old riddle but 20 years ago it stumped people because no one thought about the Mom being a surgeon. Today that is common place so that hopefully didn't stump you. The point is that clarity comes from stepping back and taking all the facts, laying them out and then seeing what conclusions can be drawn.
Take Action: This week take a problem you are facing and try this method to see if you can see new insights you didn't see before.
Monday, October 29, 2012
and when he starts clearing out
Letting Go of Clutter In Your Office
Some people would say I'm the last person in the world to be writing about clearing out clutter,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots; I seem to accumulate so much of it. But I also get rid of it, when it reaches the point of bothering me.
That's the first thing about clearing out clutter. Everyone has a threshold at which the clutter starts to bother them,I don't understand what you mean.". My husband's threshold is much lower than mine, and when he starts clearing out,The Professor pontificated in an exaggerated, I jump in and help him. But in my office, things go to my threshold and no furtherusually. Recognizing your threshold and working within it is the first key to letting go of clutter. If it's really not bothering you, and you can find everything you need, it's not essential to tackle it right away.
The second key to letting go of clutter is to bring the recycle bin (for paper without staples) and the large kitchen trash can (for everything else) into your office and put them beside the desk, which is clutter central in most offices. Get a box of manila file folders, a box of hanging file folders, and a plastic file box, the kind with a handle that you can get for about ten bucks at a big office supply store. And a pen.
Pick up every piece of paper off your desk, one sheet or sheaf at a time. Start with paper because there's usually more of it than anything else. Don't touch anything twice,2. When you listen. When you pick it up either put it in the recycle bin (remove staples first), put it in the trash if it can't go in the recycle, or put it in a folder, label the folder, and put the folder, inside a hanging folder, in the plastic file box. Don't worry about organizing the files. Just get everything out of site and off your desk. Get two or three boxes if you need them. They stack nicely out of the way against the wall.
Once the paper is off your desk, you should be able to see the surface, which will probably be littered with books, pens, soda cans, memo pads, and CDs, if it looks anything like my desk. Take one category at a time, like CDs, and put all of them away. Then books, and so on.
The rest of your office may be cluttered in the same way as your desk, with stacks of papers and books scattered around. Use the same method. Start with the paper, don't touch anything twice, and declutter by categoryCDs, books, etc. after the paper.
De-cluttering doesn't have to mean deep-cleaning, though you may get motivated and do that. Really it just means getting the clutter out of the way so you can work. Letting go of it is as simple as realizing you don't need it where it is right this minute, and putting it somewhere elseeven if that somewhere else is the recycle bin.
A good rule of thumb is, if you can get that piece of paper again, especially by printing it off your computer, you don't need to keep it. Now, you might, if it's important. But just use this as a rule of thumb.
Happy clearing!
Some people would say I'm the last person in the world to be writing about clearing out clutter,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots; I seem to accumulate so much of it. But I also get rid of it, when it reaches the point of bothering me.
That's the first thing about clearing out clutter. Everyone has a threshold at which the clutter starts to bother them,I don't understand what you mean.". My husband's threshold is much lower than mine, and when he starts clearing out,The Professor pontificated in an exaggerated, I jump in and help him. But in my office, things go to my threshold and no furtherusually. Recognizing your threshold and working within it is the first key to letting go of clutter. If it's really not bothering you, and you can find everything you need, it's not essential to tackle it right away.
The second key to letting go of clutter is to bring the recycle bin (for paper without staples) and the large kitchen trash can (for everything else) into your office and put them beside the desk, which is clutter central in most offices. Get a box of manila file folders, a box of hanging file folders, and a plastic file box, the kind with a handle that you can get for about ten bucks at a big office supply store. And a pen.
Pick up every piece of paper off your desk, one sheet or sheaf at a time. Start with paper because there's usually more of it than anything else. Don't touch anything twice,2. When you listen. When you pick it up either put it in the recycle bin (remove staples first), put it in the trash if it can't go in the recycle, or put it in a folder, label the folder, and put the folder, inside a hanging folder, in the plastic file box. Don't worry about organizing the files. Just get everything out of site and off your desk. Get two or three boxes if you need them. They stack nicely out of the way against the wall.
Once the paper is off your desk, you should be able to see the surface, which will probably be littered with books, pens, soda cans, memo pads, and CDs, if it looks anything like my desk. Take one category at a time, like CDs, and put all of them away. Then books, and so on.
The rest of your office may be cluttered in the same way as your desk, with stacks of papers and books scattered around. Use the same method. Start with the paper, don't touch anything twice, and declutter by categoryCDs, books, etc. after the paper.
De-cluttering doesn't have to mean deep-cleaning, though you may get motivated and do that. Really it just means getting the clutter out of the way so you can work. Letting go of it is as simple as realizing you don't need it where it is right this minute, and putting it somewhere elseeven if that somewhere else is the recycle bin.
A good rule of thumb is, if you can get that piece of paper again, especially by printing it off your computer, you don't need to keep it. Now, you might, if it's important. But just use this as a rule of thumb.
Happy clearing!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
don't be 'afraid to try many products before settling on one.
For a Glowing Skin...
Do you know how and where to moisturize? Here are some helpful hints
MOISTURISING our skin is essential to maintain that 'young, beautiful' look. On another note, is it necessary to moisturize all areas of your skin? The answer is NO. Many models actually go to private 'beauty' classes to learn how, when and where to moisturize their skin. So, learn your skin type, don't be 'afraid to try many products before settling on one.
Do not over moisturize as it can lead to clogged pores. Your forehead and cheeks tend to be the drier areas,quality and comfort you desire online.. There is no need to moisturize your chin if it is not needed.
Most women misdiagnose their skin type. This can cause improper moisturizing. You also need to change your techniques of moisturizing with the changes of seasons.
When using a moisturizer, always apply it to the skin in a circulatory motion. Pat your skin with the tips of your fingers gently as if playing a tune on a piano. This is also a great stimulant for your skin.
Tired of buying moisturizers too often? Here is how to make them last longer,most brides focus first on the church. Use a small amount of natural vegetable oil as a base first. This will help make your moisturizer last much longer.
Use a moisturizer as a base before applying your foundation. For best results, wait until the moisturizer is dry and then apply foundation. However, if your foundation is somewhat dry; then apply it right away,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots; your moisturizer will help it to loosen up a bit. Know various types of moisturizers available.-
To get the best results from any of your facial products, rub it between your hands,Because you want a quality made shirt, this helps to heat it up, and hence, becomes easier to apply.
Check out more on skin care at
Do you know how and where to moisturize? Here are some helpful hints
MOISTURISING our skin is essential to maintain that 'young, beautiful' look. On another note, is it necessary to moisturize all areas of your skin? The answer is NO. Many models actually go to private 'beauty' classes to learn how, when and where to moisturize their skin. So, learn your skin type, don't be 'afraid to try many products before settling on one.
Do not over moisturize as it can lead to clogged pores. Your forehead and cheeks tend to be the drier areas,quality and comfort you desire online.. There is no need to moisturize your chin if it is not needed.
Most women misdiagnose their skin type. This can cause improper moisturizing. You also need to change your techniques of moisturizing with the changes of seasons.
When using a moisturizer, always apply it to the skin in a circulatory motion. Pat your skin with the tips of your fingers gently as if playing a tune on a piano. This is also a great stimulant for your skin.
Tired of buying moisturizers too often? Here is how to make them last longer,most brides focus first on the church. Use a small amount of natural vegetable oil as a base first. This will help make your moisturizer last much longer.
Use a moisturizer as a base before applying your foundation. For best results, wait until the moisturizer is dry and then apply foundation. However, if your foundation is somewhat dry; then apply it right away,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots; your moisturizer will help it to loosen up a bit. Know various types of moisturizers available.-
To get the best results from any of your facial products, rub it between your hands,Because you want a quality made shirt, this helps to heat it up, and hence, becomes easier to apply.
Check out more on skin care at
Friday, October 26, 2012
at least not long term they don't. Are you the type of woman who men take home to bed
Men Want A Classy Woman
Ladies, this one is for you,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. Your mother always told you Don't give away the farm. Yet men have been saying, Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? It's a paradox; women think they need to put out, or they'll lose their man. Men don't want a woman who puts out; at least not long term they don't. Are you the type of woman who men take home to bed; or the type who men take home to meet Mom?
One man described it this way,they do not sparkle like the real thing., When I'm talking to a woman, either on-line, on the phone, or in person, who do you think is the first person to bring up sex? Almost always it's the woman. I don't. I can tell almost instantly if the woman is classy or cheap. I want a woman who is confident, not insecure and thinks she needs to attract me by offering up free sex. What healthy, heterosexual man doesn't want or enjoy sex with a woman? But I don't want someone that everyone else has enjoyed. A classy woman is intriguing,Male tube blockages- this may occur either at the epididymis or the vas deferens, mysterious and alluring. Her appearance and the way she carries herself can be very appealing. There's a huge difference between sexy and sleazy; and unfortunately many woman don't know the difference.
Ladies wise up! If you don't understand why you keep attracting the wrong men, it's because your standards are too low. Set the bar higher. Do not engage in innuendos or blatant conversation that is sexual in nature. Just don't do it. You may think you are flirting; but what you are doing is sending a signal to the man that you're easy. You may hook him for a time. You may both be filled with infatuation, but it won't last. Men will look at you as the good time gal; not as a keeper.
What are you wearing? Low rise jeans and tummy shirts are in. They're not in if you don't have the body to wear that style of clothing and they're not in if you're trying to convince the men that you're a classy lady. That is not to say you need to haul out the turtle neck sweaters and long skirts which cover up your ankles.
You will not be able to change your belief system overnight; your views on what men want. But what you can change almost instantly is how you dress and how you talk. Decide today that you will not openly discuss sex or make comments of a sexual nature with men. There are ways you can let someone know you're interested without sounding like a hootchie mamma. And lastly, take inventory of your wardrobe. Leave a little to the imagination,spend time with an understanding friend, don't show it all.
Men want a classy woman.
Ladies, this one is for you,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. Your mother always told you Don't give away the farm. Yet men have been saying, Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? It's a paradox; women think they need to put out, or they'll lose their man. Men don't want a woman who puts out; at least not long term they don't. Are you the type of woman who men take home to bed; or the type who men take home to meet Mom?
One man described it this way,they do not sparkle like the real thing., When I'm talking to a woman, either on-line, on the phone, or in person, who do you think is the first person to bring up sex? Almost always it's the woman. I don't. I can tell almost instantly if the woman is classy or cheap. I want a woman who is confident, not insecure and thinks she needs to attract me by offering up free sex. What healthy, heterosexual man doesn't want or enjoy sex with a woman? But I don't want someone that everyone else has enjoyed. A classy woman is intriguing,Male tube blockages- this may occur either at the epididymis or the vas deferens, mysterious and alluring. Her appearance and the way she carries herself can be very appealing. There's a huge difference between sexy and sleazy; and unfortunately many woman don't know the difference.
Ladies wise up! If you don't understand why you keep attracting the wrong men, it's because your standards are too low. Set the bar higher. Do not engage in innuendos or blatant conversation that is sexual in nature. Just don't do it. You may think you are flirting; but what you are doing is sending a signal to the man that you're easy. You may hook him for a time. You may both be filled with infatuation, but it won't last. Men will look at you as the good time gal; not as a keeper.
What are you wearing? Low rise jeans and tummy shirts are in. They're not in if you don't have the body to wear that style of clothing and they're not in if you're trying to convince the men that you're a classy lady. That is not to say you need to haul out the turtle neck sweaters and long skirts which cover up your ankles.
You will not be able to change your belief system overnight; your views on what men want. But what you can change almost instantly is how you dress and how you talk. Decide today that you will not openly discuss sex or make comments of a sexual nature with men. There are ways you can let someone know you're interested without sounding like a hootchie mamma. And lastly, take inventory of your wardrobe. Leave a little to the imagination,spend time with an understanding friend, don't show it all.
Men want a classy woman.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
keep repeating I am beautiful and let others say you are beautiful. Your eyes
You Are Beautiful
Yes, it is true,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots, you are beautiful beyond any doubt.
Do you know that you are a unique person with a special kind of God gifted beauty which no other person possess. That beauty is something very personal and individual. You must acknowledge that hidden beauty within you to know your own worth as a beautiful person.
Beauty is something which can neither be measured by any scale nor can be described in words. It's an impression which one leaves on others and that impression is the true reflection of many fine characteristics of one's own personality. I call it "inner beauty". You may like to visit my website: and read my article TAKE CARE OF YOUR INNER BEAUTY to learn more about beauty. I have devoted a full Section of my site to Beauty and Wellness articles.
If in doubt about your beauty, you may be suffering from some kind of inferiority complex thus badly affecting your professional and family life. Don't let the negative forces to ruin your life. Be confident about yourself.
Look straight in the mirror and say with full confidence I am beautiful. Wait and let the mirror say you are beautiful. On your way to job, shopping or social engagements, keep repeating I am beautiful and let others say you are beautiful. Your eyes, ears, nose, lips and even the pores of your skin must say I am beautiful. This type of confidence about your own beauty will leave no option to others but to admit that you are beautiful.
Why now start a new life as a self-confident beautiful person and achieve success in every sphere of your life. You are no doubt a beautiful person. Say YES!
Yes, it is true,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots, you are beautiful beyond any doubt.
Do you know that you are a unique person with a special kind of God gifted beauty which no other person possess. That beauty is something very personal and individual. You must acknowledge that hidden beauty within you to know your own worth as a beautiful person.
Beauty is something which can neither be measured by any scale nor can be described in words. It's an impression which one leaves on others and that impression is the true reflection of many fine characteristics of one's own personality. I call it "inner beauty". You may like to visit my website: and read my article TAKE CARE OF YOUR INNER BEAUTY to learn more about beauty. I have devoted a full Section of my site to Beauty and Wellness articles.
If in doubt about your beauty, you may be suffering from some kind of inferiority complex thus badly affecting your professional and family life. Don't let the negative forces to ruin your life. Be confident about yourself.
Look straight in the mirror and say with full confidence I am beautiful. Wait and let the mirror say you are beautiful. On your way to job, shopping or social engagements, keep repeating I am beautiful and let others say you are beautiful. Your eyes, ears, nose, lips and even the pores of your skin must say I am beautiful. This type of confidence about your own beauty will leave no option to others but to admit that you are beautiful.
Why now start a new life as a self-confident beautiful person and achieve success in every sphere of your life. You are no doubt a beautiful person. Say YES!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
and you can buy watches and shoes from the stores or internet websites as well.
Italian Handbag
They're fashionable and constructed from only the finest grade of materials. You can wear with them with everyday outfits, or with your favorite work attire. The Italian handbag should be an essential apparel accessory in every woman's wardrobe, no matter your personal style. Here are some handbag brands and styles that you can pick from, as well as the best places to shop for these great items.
This name brand is an upscale Italian handbag and fashion company; shoes, clothes, and other fashion accessories are also created by Prada, and each item will unquestionably make you feel dignified and refined. Prada bags are ideal for travelers, or for women who are constantly on the go; there are also messenger bags and wallets that are available for men.
The design of each purse is elaborate yet clean and modern, and the leather and handles are long-lasting, and will give any outfit that additional boost that you want. There are also book bags wallets by Prada that you can select from, and you can buy watches and shoes from the stores or internet websites as well.
Check out the Prada internet destination to acquire information on the latest fashion collections from this Italian handbag company, or visit department stores like Macy's or Bloomingdale's in your local area to discover Prada styles that will work for you.
Versace is for the refined socialite that is looking for a purse that is eye-catching and is practical as well. The leather and gold chain accents on these bags are certainly attractive, and the metallic tones of some of the bags will decidedly make your little black dress stand out at any social occasion. These type of bags are in the higher price range -you can very easily spend more than $500 on a bag, however this Italian handbag will last you for years, so the purchase is well worth it.
If you take trips frequently, and are looking to make sure that your luggage bag is as stylish as it can be, the Camel Suede Tote Bag from Dolce and Gabana is an excellent choice. This Italian handbag is easy to carry around with you, and will help you to organize the items for your trip. You can be sure that this bag will last for a long time as well, so despite the fact that it is priced online for over $800, you will be able to carry this bag for many years to come,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots.
You can also visit the online destination of Handbagcrew if you want to pick from the large Italian handbag selection on the site. You'll be able to see pictures of each purse, and you can also read a short description of the item so that you can determine what you want to purchase. Purchasing a bag online will also save you money in most cases, since the prices are cheaper than in retail stores. Happy shopping!
They're fashionable and constructed from only the finest grade of materials. You can wear with them with everyday outfits, or with your favorite work attire. The Italian handbag should be an essential apparel accessory in every woman's wardrobe, no matter your personal style. Here are some handbag brands and styles that you can pick from, as well as the best places to shop for these great items.
This name brand is an upscale Italian handbag and fashion company; shoes, clothes, and other fashion accessories are also created by Prada, and each item will unquestionably make you feel dignified and refined. Prada bags are ideal for travelers, or for women who are constantly on the go; there are also messenger bags and wallets that are available for men.
The design of each purse is elaborate yet clean and modern, and the leather and handles are long-lasting, and will give any outfit that additional boost that you want. There are also book bags wallets by Prada that you can select from, and you can buy watches and shoes from the stores or internet websites as well.
Check out the Prada internet destination to acquire information on the latest fashion collections from this Italian handbag company, or visit department stores like Macy's or Bloomingdale's in your local area to discover Prada styles that will work for you.
Versace is for the refined socialite that is looking for a purse that is eye-catching and is practical as well. The leather and gold chain accents on these bags are certainly attractive, and the metallic tones of some of the bags will decidedly make your little black dress stand out at any social occasion. These type of bags are in the higher price range -you can very easily spend more than $500 on a bag, however this Italian handbag will last you for years, so the purchase is well worth it.
If you take trips frequently, and are looking to make sure that your luggage bag is as stylish as it can be, the Camel Suede Tote Bag from Dolce and Gabana is an excellent choice. This Italian handbag is easy to carry around with you, and will help you to organize the items for your trip. You can be sure that this bag will last for a long time as well, so despite the fact that it is priced online for over $800, you will be able to carry this bag for many years to come,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots.
You can also visit the online destination of Handbagcrew if you want to pick from the large Italian handbag selection on the site. You'll be able to see pictures of each purse, and you can also read a short description of the item so that you can determine what you want to purchase. Purchasing a bag online will also save you money in most cases, since the prices are cheaper than in retail stores. Happy shopping!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Even if it is predominantly blue
What is a Cushion Cut Aquamarine? by Paul Easton
Cushion cut aquamarine? Despite the emergence of newer cuts and more popular gemstones, there are still plenty of men and women who prefer to wear this type of jewelry simply because they have seen and experienced the wondrous advantages the combination gives.
The Beauty of the Aquamarine
Though it is not as famous as its other gemstone counterparts such as rubies and diamonds, aquamarine is still sought after because of its hardness. In fact, it comes close to the diamond in the Mohs scale. This means that it does not get damaged easily and is well protected from scratches.
Even if it is predominantly blue, it still works very well with almost any type of skin and eye color. It can be worn when you are in your casual attire and when you are in your best suit or gown on special events. Because it shimmers or glimmers when exposed to light, there is no way that you cannot capture the attention of others.
Most of all, an aquamarine gemstone is usually free of any type of inclusion. You get the best value for your money, and when the stone is set in your favorite cut like the cushion cut, you are assured that little to no portion of it is being removed.
The Vintage Cushion Cut
Finding a cushion cut ring these days, particularly one that has an aquamarine stone, can be pretty hard because it has been dominated by better and newer cuts like marquise or princess,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. However, that does not mean that it is inferior in quality and beauty.
This type of cut is also known as the candlelight, because a long time ago it is best viewed under the candlelight. You will hardly miss it, though. The stones are larger and cut with rounded corners. It is necessary for the setting to have at least 4 prongs to make sure that the stone is well placed and protected. More may be needed if you are using a much larger aquamarine.
The charm of the cushion cut rings lies in the fact that it is a very classic cut and very romantic. That is why it is also being given away as an engagement ring. When placed side by side by other round cuts, cushion cuts always stand out. It also allows you to bring the attention directly into the stone, which should always be the highlight of any type setting or ring style.
Cushion cut aquamarine? Despite the emergence of newer cuts and more popular gemstones, there are still plenty of men and women who prefer to wear this type of jewelry simply because they have seen and experienced the wondrous advantages the combination gives.
The Beauty of the Aquamarine
Though it is not as famous as its other gemstone counterparts such as rubies and diamonds, aquamarine is still sought after because of its hardness. In fact, it comes close to the diamond in the Mohs scale. This means that it does not get damaged easily and is well protected from scratches.
Even if it is predominantly blue, it still works very well with almost any type of skin and eye color. It can be worn when you are in your casual attire and when you are in your best suit or gown on special events. Because it shimmers or glimmers when exposed to light, there is no way that you cannot capture the attention of others.
Most of all, an aquamarine gemstone is usually free of any type of inclusion. You get the best value for your money, and when the stone is set in your favorite cut like the cushion cut, you are assured that little to no portion of it is being removed.
The Vintage Cushion Cut
Finding a cushion cut ring these days, particularly one that has an aquamarine stone, can be pretty hard because it has been dominated by better and newer cuts like marquise or princess,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. However, that does not mean that it is inferior in quality and beauty.
This type of cut is also known as the candlelight, because a long time ago it is best viewed under the candlelight. You will hardly miss it, though. The stones are larger and cut with rounded corners. It is necessary for the setting to have at least 4 prongs to make sure that the stone is well placed and protected. More may be needed if you are using a much larger aquamarine.
The charm of the cushion cut rings lies in the fact that it is a very classic cut and very romantic. That is why it is also being given away as an engagement ring. When placed side by side by other round cuts, cushion cuts always stand out. It also allows you to bring the attention directly into the stone, which should always be the highlight of any type setting or ring style.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
but Nell
Unsung Heroines: The Miss Universe 2nd RU's by Debi Javier
2nd Runners-up to any beauty pageant is very unnoticeable specially in the ever famous Miss Universe Pageant. But I would like to take credits to them as they did excellent in their respective pageant years.
So, without further ado, here goes my list of my favorite 2nd runner-ups. Hats off to them (in random order):
1. WHO? ME? FAT? Cindy Nell. South Africa (2003). A hot favorite that year. "Cindy Nell, 20, South Africa." To the music of Bond's Victory, she certainly had the skills to pout, to sway her hips and to move her eyes like searchlights. Only a fool can miss it. A hordes of swinging hips, sexy outfits and loose joints, this is one of my favorite introduction; but Nell, nailed it to the max. All through the competition, she was way up there, unbeatable. Even a single elegant answer: "You do not have to be phenomenal to do phenomenal things." A sure-fire answer and Nell already locked my vote. But wait, Vega came out with a simplistic answer about her granny. I do not understand why the judges got so sentimental about an answer that was memorized. I was cheated, big time. Ms. Nell, however, continued her quest for a crown and went on to compete in MW 03. But she gained weight, lost her grounds and appeared to be ordinary-looking among a bevy of beauties,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. What went wrong? Maybe she gave it all to MU that, eventually, drained her out dry. She was my choice for that year, and not that horsey-looking Vega. Sad.
2. LITTLE MERMAID MEETS DONALD DUCK. Johanna Raunio. Finland (1974). "I was a child and she was a child, in this kingdom by the sea, that a maiden there lived, whom you may know by the name of Johanna Raunio" (Annabel Lee, Poe). Starred in a movie as a mermaid...
2nd Runners-up to any beauty pageant is very unnoticeable specially in the ever famous Miss Universe Pageant. But I would like to take credits to them as they did excellent in their respective pageant years.
So, without further ado, here goes my list of my favorite 2nd runner-ups. Hats off to them (in random order):
1. WHO? ME? FAT? Cindy Nell. South Africa (2003). A hot favorite that year. "Cindy Nell, 20, South Africa." To the music of Bond's Victory, she certainly had the skills to pout, to sway her hips and to move her eyes like searchlights. Only a fool can miss it. A hordes of swinging hips, sexy outfits and loose joints, this is one of my favorite introduction; but Nell, nailed it to the max. All through the competition, she was way up there, unbeatable. Even a single elegant answer: "You do not have to be phenomenal to do phenomenal things." A sure-fire answer and Nell already locked my vote. But wait, Vega came out with a simplistic answer about her granny. I do not understand why the judges got so sentimental about an answer that was memorized. I was cheated, big time. Ms. Nell, however, continued her quest for a crown and went on to compete in MW 03. But she gained weight, lost her grounds and appeared to be ordinary-looking among a bevy of beauties,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. What went wrong? Maybe she gave it all to MU that, eventually, drained her out dry. She was my choice for that year, and not that horsey-looking Vega. Sad.
2. LITTLE MERMAID MEETS DONALD DUCK. Johanna Raunio. Finland (1974). "I was a child and she was a child, in this kingdom by the sea, that a maiden there lived, whom you may know by the name of Johanna Raunio" (Annabel Lee, Poe). Starred in a movie as a mermaid...
Friday, October 19, 2012
there is a need for women to defend themselves.
How Not To Become a Victim of Crime by Gary L. Hiller
Did you know that every 90 seconds, somewhere in America someone is sexually assaulted? 17.6% of all women in the United States have survived a completed or attempted rape. Also, the National College Women Sexual Victimization Study estimated that between 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 college women experience completed or attempted rape during their college years. As you can see, there is a need for women to defend themselves.
The ideal way for women to protect themselves is by learning self defense skills. It does not require any tools and can be used in any situation at any time,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. However, most people do not have time to take a self defense course. One thing you can learn without taking the course is awareness. Just knowing that crimes happen all the time and that you could be a victim can already save your life. Once you are aware of that, the next is to equip yourself for the situation.
The fact that most men are physically stronger that women is unarguable. Women need a more efficient way to protect themselves against violent crime. They need something powerful and easy to use so they can take down someone who is bigger and stronger than them. Stun guns, Pepper Spray and TASERS might just do the job.
The cost is small for making yourself or your loved ones safe. As Little as $6.95 for Pepper Spray. Small stun guns start at $15.95.
Check out this Web Site:
They have all their self defense and home security items at very low Discounted Prices.
Don't become a statistic. Defend yourself. These items are non lethal, yet very effective in stopping anyone from hurting you or your Loved Ones.
Did you know that every 90 seconds, somewhere in America someone is sexually assaulted? 17.6% of all women in the United States have survived a completed or attempted rape. Also, the National College Women Sexual Victimization Study estimated that between 1 in 4 and 1 in 5 college women experience completed or attempted rape during their college years. As you can see, there is a need for women to defend themselves.
The ideal way for women to protect themselves is by learning self defense skills. It does not require any tools and can be used in any situation at any time,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. However, most people do not have time to take a self defense course. One thing you can learn without taking the course is awareness. Just knowing that crimes happen all the time and that you could be a victim can already save your life. Once you are aware of that, the next is to equip yourself for the situation.
The fact that most men are physically stronger that women is unarguable. Women need a more efficient way to protect themselves against violent crime. They need something powerful and easy to use so they can take down someone who is bigger and stronger than them. Stun guns, Pepper Spray and TASERS might just do the job.
The cost is small for making yourself or your loved ones safe. As Little as $6.95 for Pepper Spray. Small stun guns start at $15.95.
Check out this Web Site:
They have all their self defense and home security items at very low Discounted Prices.
Don't become a statistic. Defend yourself. These items are non lethal, yet very effective in stopping anyone from hurting you or your Loved Ones.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Merry Christmas
Color Theory for Fashionistias
Color is everywhere, in your clothes, in your jewelry. Color is life. Fashion and color coordination can make or break your carefuly planned outfit.
Here's a bit of color theory with a fashionista bent.
Primary colors
These are red, blue and yellow. In theory, you can make any color from these three primaries (except white, which is really an absence of color). In practice, it depends on what red, blue or yellow you start with, but we are not mixing paints here, so just remember that the primary colors are red, blue and yellow. You'll learn why in the next step.
The secondary colors are the colors you get from mixing equal amounts of any two primaries. (If the primaries are pure, mixing all three will give you black.)
The secondaries are purple, orange and green.
Now why do you care?
Well, primaries and secondaries together give us complementary colors. The complement of the color is the color directly across from it on the color wheel, or if starting with a primary, the color made from mixing the other two primaries. So essentially a color and its complement contain all of the primaries between them.
Red's compliment is green (Merry Christmas!). Yellow's complement is purple. Blue's complement is orange. This is as much contrast as you can get between colors of the same value (brightness or darkness). So if you want to make a bold statement, the primaries are a treat.
Enter the secondaries
The secondary colors are made by mixing equal parts of any two complementaries. So the secondary colors are green (yellow and blue), orange (yellow and red) and purple (blue and red).
Let's say you have a yellow dress and you want this outfit to be a traffic stopper. If it's for daytime, you can use bold purple jewelry and accessories. This classic combination of purple and yellow is eye catching. It can be sophisticated and definite or more playful, depending on the yellow and purple you start out with.
However, you don't always want to be quite that much the center of attention. What do you do to make more subtle fashion statements,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots, but still use colors well?
The yellow and purple we used above are complementary colors. This means they are directly across from each other on the color wheel.
The colors to each side of our main color's complement are the triad colors. (Triad because the color you start with plus the two others make three colors total.) The triads are our friends for choosing jewelry or other accessories. Let's look at our yellow dress again. This time we're wearing it to a business meeting. What would be appropriate jewelry? Gold on yellow is too close -- it will tend to wash out. The whole outfit will look drab (more drab than if you didn't use the gold jewelry).
Silver will work, particularly if the silver is a bit pale and the yellow of the dress if very vivid. But you don't have to stick with gold or silver. There are many colored gems and jewels out there. Try a sapphire necklace. The blue will nicely set off the yellow and both will sparkle. Or a red brooch. The red can tend towards orange for a brighter effect or towards blue for more contrast.
Now how about the vivid purple blouse you just adore? How to accessorize it? The purple is already such a bold color. Well, we'll do exactly the opposite of what we have done with our yellow dress, since purple is yellow's complement.
For our purple blouse, if you want to be bold and outrageous, go for bright gold (yellow) or just plain yellow jewelry. Silver will not work with the purple since the blue of the silver is too close to our purple color (as the gold was on the yellow dress). Of course red is wonderful with purple, just showing that every rule is made to be broken (with discrimination and taste, of course).
We can team our purple blouse with a tan skirt (tan being a form of yellow) and dress it down for a business meeting. We'll want our jewelry to be a little more subtle. In this case, rather than yellow, let's use the triad colors to purple -- orange or green. These may seem like bold choices, but remember you want your jewelry to be seen, not to blend into the woodwork.
How about an amber pendant? This would be sophisticated and would be set off wonderfully by the purple background without being garish.
Or an emerald brooch and earrings, or a green frog pin. The possibilities are endless within your basic color choices. If you stick with these color constraints, you will not go wrong.
Now let's consider the classic grey business suit. You may be thinking that your grey suit is neutral so you can choose any color at all. This is rarely the case and can be the cause of that ensemble that doesn't quite work.
Most greys tend towards blue (cool) or red/yellow (warm). So first determine if your suit is cool grey or warm grey. If you're having trouble with this (and it can be tough at first), try holding it up to other grey items in your house. You'll start to notice that it looks a bit redder (or yellower) or a bit more blue. This will help you determine the color bias of your grey suit.
Most warm grey used in clothing is a reddish grey. This is because red complements the complexion. But you will find some yellowish greys, particularly in garments with very sophisticated color.
Let's say our suit is a cool grey, so for the purposes of our color choice we'll consider it blue. The complement of blue is orange.
We want to keep this a business suit, so we'll pick the triad to each side of the orange to start with. Red and yellow. This tells us that gold will be a perfect choice for our grey suit. Silver is too blue and would wash out the outfit. You may have noticed that gold tends towards red or yellow. If you are using more than one accessory with the gold, determine whether the primary gold jewelry you will be wearing is reddish gold or yellow gold.
This is done just as we did with the suit itself, by comparing it with other colors.
If the gold is reddish, then keep your other accessories in the red and yellow range. If the gold if yellow, keep the other colors in the yellow orange range.
Note, the description "yellow gold" is for any gold that is not white (silvery). Yellow golds range from a deep red to a very pale yellow, so be sure to check each piece of jewelry when putting together your outfit. A red gold and a yellow gold next to each other will look subtly wrong, unless they are carefully combined in a single piece by a master jeweler. A lack of understanding about the tendencies of gold to be manifested as different colors results in fashion mistakes are that are hard to pin down.
So, let's say we've chosen a beautiful golden horse pin as our primary jewelry piece. We look at it and realize that it tends, ever so slightly, towards red. This makes the rest of our accessorizing easy.
We'll go for red and even towards the cooler reds (those tending towards purple, rather than towards the yellows and oranges). With our golden horse brooch and a deep slightly purplish red scarf our grey business suit stays business-like but acquires a powerful feminine appeal.
If you want more color, choose red's triads, blue or yellow.
So, when choosing the jewelry to complement any outfit follow three simple steps and you won't go wrong:
1) Determine the base color of your clothing. This is the dominant color. If you're wearing the purple blouse with a tan skirt the purple is the dominant color.
If the outfit has a pattern, squint at it and try to see what color feels most dominant (this is an old artist's trick). If no particular color stands out, determine if the overall pattern is cool or warm as we did with our grey suit. Again squinting helps.
2) Find the complement of this color on your color wheel. If you really want to stand out, use the complement and stop at this step -- you're done!
3) Look at the triad colors next to the complement. These are most often the colors you will use for your accessories. If you want a brighter look you can use both triads. For a more subtle look, choose one or the other and then use variations on this color (the variations on any one color are almost endless).
That's it -- three easy steps that will assure that your outfits are always tres chic and save you hours trying to figure out what's just not quite right or choosing by hit and miss.
Of course, fashion colors change from year to year, but you now understand color combinations and how to put them together in wow combinations, whatever colors your starting with.
Coming in part two, how colors effect each other.
To see this page with color wheels and other illustrations that you can print for reference, go to
Style on!
The Jewelry Maven
Color is everywhere, in your clothes, in your jewelry. Color is life. Fashion and color coordination can make or break your carefuly planned outfit.
Here's a bit of color theory with a fashionista bent.
Primary colors
These are red, blue and yellow. In theory, you can make any color from these three primaries (except white, which is really an absence of color). In practice, it depends on what red, blue or yellow you start with, but we are not mixing paints here, so just remember that the primary colors are red, blue and yellow. You'll learn why in the next step.
The secondary colors are the colors you get from mixing equal amounts of any two primaries. (If the primaries are pure, mixing all three will give you black.)
The secondaries are purple, orange and green.
Now why do you care?
Well, primaries and secondaries together give us complementary colors. The complement of the color is the color directly across from it on the color wheel, or if starting with a primary, the color made from mixing the other two primaries. So essentially a color and its complement contain all of the primaries between them.
Red's compliment is green (Merry Christmas!). Yellow's complement is purple. Blue's complement is orange. This is as much contrast as you can get between colors of the same value (brightness or darkness). So if you want to make a bold statement, the primaries are a treat.
Enter the secondaries
The secondary colors are made by mixing equal parts of any two complementaries. So the secondary colors are green (yellow and blue), orange (yellow and red) and purple (blue and red).
Let's say you have a yellow dress and you want this outfit to be a traffic stopper. If it's for daytime, you can use bold purple jewelry and accessories. This classic combination of purple and yellow is eye catching. It can be sophisticated and definite or more playful, depending on the yellow and purple you start out with.
However, you don't always want to be quite that much the center of attention. What do you do to make more subtle fashion statements,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots, but still use colors well?
The yellow and purple we used above are complementary colors. This means they are directly across from each other on the color wheel.
The colors to each side of our main color's complement are the triad colors. (Triad because the color you start with plus the two others make three colors total.) The triads are our friends for choosing jewelry or other accessories. Let's look at our yellow dress again. This time we're wearing it to a business meeting. What would be appropriate jewelry? Gold on yellow is too close -- it will tend to wash out. The whole outfit will look drab (more drab than if you didn't use the gold jewelry).
Silver will work, particularly if the silver is a bit pale and the yellow of the dress if very vivid. But you don't have to stick with gold or silver. There are many colored gems and jewels out there. Try a sapphire necklace. The blue will nicely set off the yellow and both will sparkle. Or a red brooch. The red can tend towards orange for a brighter effect or towards blue for more contrast.
Now how about the vivid purple blouse you just adore? How to accessorize it? The purple is already such a bold color. Well, we'll do exactly the opposite of what we have done with our yellow dress, since purple is yellow's complement.
For our purple blouse, if you want to be bold and outrageous, go for bright gold (yellow) or just plain yellow jewelry. Silver will not work with the purple since the blue of the silver is too close to our purple color (as the gold was on the yellow dress). Of course red is wonderful with purple, just showing that every rule is made to be broken (with discrimination and taste, of course).
We can team our purple blouse with a tan skirt (tan being a form of yellow) and dress it down for a business meeting. We'll want our jewelry to be a little more subtle. In this case, rather than yellow, let's use the triad colors to purple -- orange or green. These may seem like bold choices, but remember you want your jewelry to be seen, not to blend into the woodwork.
How about an amber pendant? This would be sophisticated and would be set off wonderfully by the purple background without being garish.
Or an emerald brooch and earrings, or a green frog pin. The possibilities are endless within your basic color choices. If you stick with these color constraints, you will not go wrong.
Now let's consider the classic grey business suit. You may be thinking that your grey suit is neutral so you can choose any color at all. This is rarely the case and can be the cause of that ensemble that doesn't quite work.
Most greys tend towards blue (cool) or red/yellow (warm). So first determine if your suit is cool grey or warm grey. If you're having trouble with this (and it can be tough at first), try holding it up to other grey items in your house. You'll start to notice that it looks a bit redder (or yellower) or a bit more blue. This will help you determine the color bias of your grey suit.
Most warm grey used in clothing is a reddish grey. This is because red complements the complexion. But you will find some yellowish greys, particularly in garments with very sophisticated color.
Let's say our suit is a cool grey, so for the purposes of our color choice we'll consider it blue. The complement of blue is orange.
We want to keep this a business suit, so we'll pick the triad to each side of the orange to start with. Red and yellow. This tells us that gold will be a perfect choice for our grey suit. Silver is too blue and would wash out the outfit. You may have noticed that gold tends towards red or yellow. If you are using more than one accessory with the gold, determine whether the primary gold jewelry you will be wearing is reddish gold or yellow gold.
This is done just as we did with the suit itself, by comparing it with other colors.
If the gold is reddish, then keep your other accessories in the red and yellow range. If the gold if yellow, keep the other colors in the yellow orange range.
Note, the description "yellow gold" is for any gold that is not white (silvery). Yellow golds range from a deep red to a very pale yellow, so be sure to check each piece of jewelry when putting together your outfit. A red gold and a yellow gold next to each other will look subtly wrong, unless they are carefully combined in a single piece by a master jeweler. A lack of understanding about the tendencies of gold to be manifested as different colors results in fashion mistakes are that are hard to pin down.
So, let's say we've chosen a beautiful golden horse pin as our primary jewelry piece. We look at it and realize that it tends, ever so slightly, towards red. This makes the rest of our accessorizing easy.
We'll go for red and even towards the cooler reds (those tending towards purple, rather than towards the yellows and oranges). With our golden horse brooch and a deep slightly purplish red scarf our grey business suit stays business-like but acquires a powerful feminine appeal.
If you want more color, choose red's triads, blue or yellow.
So, when choosing the jewelry to complement any outfit follow three simple steps and you won't go wrong:
1) Determine the base color of your clothing. This is the dominant color. If you're wearing the purple blouse with a tan skirt the purple is the dominant color.
If the outfit has a pattern, squint at it and try to see what color feels most dominant (this is an old artist's trick). If no particular color stands out, determine if the overall pattern is cool or warm as we did with our grey suit. Again squinting helps.
2) Find the complement of this color on your color wheel. If you really want to stand out, use the complement and stop at this step -- you're done!
3) Look at the triad colors next to the complement. These are most often the colors you will use for your accessories. If you want a brighter look you can use both triads. For a more subtle look, choose one or the other and then use variations on this color (the variations on any one color are almost endless).
That's it -- three easy steps that will assure that your outfits are always tres chic and save you hours trying to figure out what's just not quite right or choosing by hit and miss.
Of course, fashion colors change from year to year, but you now understand color combinations and how to put them together in wow combinations, whatever colors your starting with.
Coming in part two, how colors effect each other.
To see this page with color wheels and other illustrations that you can print for reference, go to
Style on!
The Jewelry Maven
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
have a perfect physique and a personality that is quite adorable. For the same reason
Cosmetic Surgery Loans: A Picture Perfect Opportunity by Richard Pasic
There are certain things in life, which makes you feel good. You will want to dress good, have a perfect physique and a personality that is quite adorable. For the same reason, you also employ various techniques, which at times assist you to enhance your entire personality,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. As of now, the trend is to undergo cosmetic surgeries, so as to have an edge over the others. These surgeries are very expensive and do not come for cheap. In case, you really want to move ahead with any particular surgery, the best thing to do would be to go for cosmetic surgery loans.
As the name refers, with easy cosmetic surgery loans, you have a definite chance to get hold of the funds required, so as to take care of the surgery expenses. Further, you can find these loans with relative ease, as most of the lenders are now offering the funds and that too at relatively easy terms and conditions. The normal treatments that you can undertake with the funds derived through these loans are such as Liposuction, Breast enhancement, hair transplant, forehead lift, scar revision and so forth.
To make the amount easier to derive, these loans are further classified in to secured and unsecured form. Secured form of the loans, of course are designed to provide bigger amount. But for the same reason, you will part one of your valuable assets and place it as collateral. The repayment tenure is quite flexible and lasts for a longer duration. On the other hand, unsecured form of the loans offer smaller amount for a short term period. This option is also called risk free option, as the loan amount required is approved without the need of any collateral. However, the interest rate charged is marginally high, but feasible rates can be derived by undertaking a detailed research of the loan market. In this context, you can make use of the online mode.
Hence, it can be said that cosmetic surgery loans offers the funds required, which then will let you to rejuvenate your entire personality.
There are certain things in life, which makes you feel good. You will want to dress good, have a perfect physique and a personality that is quite adorable. For the same reason, you also employ various techniques, which at times assist you to enhance your entire personality,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. As of now, the trend is to undergo cosmetic surgeries, so as to have an edge over the others. These surgeries are very expensive and do not come for cheap. In case, you really want to move ahead with any particular surgery, the best thing to do would be to go for cosmetic surgery loans.
As the name refers, with easy cosmetic surgery loans, you have a definite chance to get hold of the funds required, so as to take care of the surgery expenses. Further, you can find these loans with relative ease, as most of the lenders are now offering the funds and that too at relatively easy terms and conditions. The normal treatments that you can undertake with the funds derived through these loans are such as Liposuction, Breast enhancement, hair transplant, forehead lift, scar revision and so forth.
To make the amount easier to derive, these loans are further classified in to secured and unsecured form. Secured form of the loans, of course are designed to provide bigger amount. But for the same reason, you will part one of your valuable assets and place it as collateral. The repayment tenure is quite flexible and lasts for a longer duration. On the other hand, unsecured form of the loans offer smaller amount for a short term period. This option is also called risk free option, as the loan amount required is approved without the need of any collateral. However, the interest rate charged is marginally high, but feasible rates can be derived by undertaking a detailed research of the loan market. In this context, you can make use of the online mode.
Hence, it can be said that cosmetic surgery loans offers the funds required, which then will let you to rejuvenate your entire personality.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
if you are pregnant you many not feel comfortable disclosing it over the phone. After all
How to Handle a Job Interview When You Are Pregnant by Wendy Moyer
When women are obviously pregnant and are trying to find a new job many of them wonder at what point in time they should disclose the fact that they are pregnant.
Should they do it on the phone when they first apply for the job? Should they let their potential employer about their pregnancy once they've scheduled an interview? Or should they wait until the interview itself, when it will be oh-so-obvious?
And, if they do wait until they are face to face with the interviewer, what should they say and do at that point in time in order to enhance the probability that they will get hired?
Human resource experts feel that if a woman is obviously pregnant and wants to have the odds with her when she is looking for a job she should wait until the interview itself before addressing the fact that she is pregnant. There are a number of reasons for this point of view.
First, if you are pregnant you many not feel comfortable disclosing it over the phone. After all, what are you going to say? Something like, "Okay. I'll meet you at Baron's on Wednesday at one o'clock. You'll be able to recognize me because I'll be the pregnant woman in the black suit."
If you are overweight, or if you wear glasses, or if you're underweight, or have a limp would you tell your potential employer that over the phone? You probably would not. So why should you mention that you're pregnant?
Also, the hiring manager that you want to meet may have some preconceptions about hiring a pregnant woman.
They might be concerned about potential health related issues that are part of being pregnant. Or they may wonder if you will be able to work as many hours as necessary and put in the occasional overtime that might be part of the job description.
A woman's professional qualifications, and not the fact that she is pregnant, should be the determining factor in making a hiring decision. So, it would be in your best interest to wait until the interview itself to let that fact be known.
As far as how to present it goes, the best thing you can do would be to buy a maternity business suit that looks terrific, prepare thoroughly for your interview,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots, walk into the interview with an air of confidence, put a smile on your face and say, "Surprise!"
That will not only break the ice, it will also show the interviewer that you have a confident, professional air about you and can handle challenging situations with ease.
When women are obviously pregnant and are trying to find a new job many of them wonder at what point in time they should disclose the fact that they are pregnant.
Should they do it on the phone when they first apply for the job? Should they let their potential employer about their pregnancy once they've scheduled an interview? Or should they wait until the interview itself, when it will be oh-so-obvious?
And, if they do wait until they are face to face with the interviewer, what should they say and do at that point in time in order to enhance the probability that they will get hired?
Human resource experts feel that if a woman is obviously pregnant and wants to have the odds with her when she is looking for a job she should wait until the interview itself before addressing the fact that she is pregnant. There are a number of reasons for this point of view.
First, if you are pregnant you many not feel comfortable disclosing it over the phone. After all, what are you going to say? Something like, "Okay. I'll meet you at Baron's on Wednesday at one o'clock. You'll be able to recognize me because I'll be the pregnant woman in the black suit."
If you are overweight, or if you wear glasses, or if you're underweight, or have a limp would you tell your potential employer that over the phone? You probably would not. So why should you mention that you're pregnant?
Also, the hiring manager that you want to meet may have some preconceptions about hiring a pregnant woman.
They might be concerned about potential health related issues that are part of being pregnant. Or they may wonder if you will be able to work as many hours as necessary and put in the occasional overtime that might be part of the job description.
A woman's professional qualifications, and not the fact that she is pregnant, should be the determining factor in making a hiring decision. So, it would be in your best interest to wait until the interview itself to let that fact be known.
As far as how to present it goes, the best thing you can do would be to buy a maternity business suit that looks terrific, prepare thoroughly for your interview,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots, walk into the interview with an air of confidence, put a smile on your face and say, "Surprise!"
That will not only break the ice, it will also show the interviewer that you have a confident, professional air about you and can handle challenging situations with ease.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Accessories Lend The Flower Girl Dress Unique Appearance by Jake Smith
Accessories Lend The Flower Girl Dress Unique Appearance by Jake Smith
The flower girl is a very important member of wedding thus should be dressed well. She plays an important role of throwing flowers on the way of the bride and will certainly draw special attention from guests present in wedding. Therefore her appearance should be mind blowing.
Outfit plays a very important role in making appearance. It should be one of its kinds. But at the same time accessories also give equally adorable look and add stars to visual aspect. Accessories for the flower girl are unique and not like others. Remember she is a cute child and adorning her with gaudy accessories will give her mature look instead of innocent. Let her remain soft and supple, which is her greatest asset,Cosmetology and the beauty industry have come of age. Grace your flower girl with below written accessories and play up her looks.
Jewelry comprises the main part of accessories. With regard to flower girl dresses minimal jewelry is enough. A simple necklace and simple pair of earrings is decent to adorn her. Overdoing will ruin her show.
Bows, Ribbons,side-by-side, and Sashes
These are a very cute and attraction gathering accessories for the flower girl and greatly enhance her looks. They impart baby like appearance and also very good for emphasizing color theme if any set for wedding. Bows, ribbons and sashes looks good on everyone.
The main work of flower girl is to carry basket carrying flower petals,Cosmetic Surgery, so how nice it will be if she herself be adorned with flowers. It will be a charming addition to her looks.
Head accessories are a fun accessory to adorn flower girl. Tiara is looked upon as main headpiece and lend endearing look. But do not overdo with head accessories as it will make her feel uncomfortable.
Gloves are an elegant accessory for flower girl to complete the look. They should be of the same color of the dress. But every flower girl is not comfortable in using gloves, thus wear them only if they are enthusiastic about the idea of wearing them. Wrist-length gloves are most appropriate for flower girls.
Shoes makes an important part of every women's outfit and thus of flower girl too. They should perfectly match with the style of the dress, but more important than style is comfort, especially for flower girls. She will get irritated if shoes are not appropriate. To be comfortable is must for the flower girl so that she will not be unhappy or fussy during the ceremony. Simple ballerina slippers make a perfect choice for a flower girl.
Others accessories
In other accessories jackets held great importance and great for looking well groomed,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. Bolero jackets give gorgeous appearance to a flower girl. Also a knit, satin, lace, or brocade bolero jacket is a great way to accessorize a white or plain-color dress. Ensure that a fabric of the jacket is not coarse.
The above accessories though simple but will lend your flower girl a princess like appearance. They are not only about adorning flower girl but flower girl dress also.
The flower girl is a very important member of wedding thus should be dressed well. She plays an important role of throwing flowers on the way of the bride and will certainly draw special attention from guests present in wedding. Therefore her appearance should be mind blowing.
Outfit plays a very important role in making appearance. It should be one of its kinds. But at the same time accessories also give equally adorable look and add stars to visual aspect. Accessories for the flower girl are unique and not like others. Remember she is a cute child and adorning her with gaudy accessories will give her mature look instead of innocent. Let her remain soft and supple, which is her greatest asset,Cosmetology and the beauty industry have come of age. Grace your flower girl with below written accessories and play up her looks.
Jewelry comprises the main part of accessories. With regard to flower girl dresses minimal jewelry is enough. A simple necklace and simple pair of earrings is decent to adorn her. Overdoing will ruin her show.
Bows, Ribbons,side-by-side, and Sashes
These are a very cute and attraction gathering accessories for the flower girl and greatly enhance her looks. They impart baby like appearance and also very good for emphasizing color theme if any set for wedding. Bows, ribbons and sashes looks good on everyone.
The main work of flower girl is to carry basket carrying flower petals,Cosmetic Surgery, so how nice it will be if she herself be adorned with flowers. It will be a charming addition to her looks.
Head accessories are a fun accessory to adorn flower girl. Tiara is looked upon as main headpiece and lend endearing look. But do not overdo with head accessories as it will make her feel uncomfortable.
Gloves are an elegant accessory for flower girl to complete the look. They should be of the same color of the dress. But every flower girl is not comfortable in using gloves, thus wear them only if they are enthusiastic about the idea of wearing them. Wrist-length gloves are most appropriate for flower girls.
Shoes makes an important part of every women's outfit and thus of flower girl too. They should perfectly match with the style of the dress, but more important than style is comfort, especially for flower girls. She will get irritated if shoes are not appropriate. To be comfortable is must for the flower girl so that she will not be unhappy or fussy during the ceremony. Simple ballerina slippers make a perfect choice for a flower girl.
Others accessories
In other accessories jackets held great importance and great for looking well groomed,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. Bolero jackets give gorgeous appearance to a flower girl. Also a knit, satin, lace, or brocade bolero jacket is a great way to accessorize a white or plain-color dress. Ensure that a fabric of the jacket is not coarse.
The above accessories though simple but will lend your flower girl a princess like appearance. They are not only about adorning flower girl but flower girl dress also.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
the fun will start. By imaging to be someone else
Wonderful Experience You Can Achieve by Jason Rolances,which may consist of dimpling
Besides transparent lingerie, there is also fantasy lingerie that is become renowned nowadays. By wearing fantasy lingerie by yourself or with your partner both of you could pretend to be imaginary characters while get closer to your partner. There are several most chosen for this fantasy attire . To give you some insights, take a look at the following information.
Fantasy lingerie is famous with both men and women. Putting on fantasy lingerie typically includes dressing up as something or someone else. By doing so, the fun will start. By imaging to be someone else, you are allowing your embarrassment go and inviting a little adventure into your life.
For enormous couples, this can be just the type of jump-start that is needed by their relationship. It's effortless to get incredibly comfy with a partner after a while. Be sure it will be so comfortable, in fact, since it feels predictable,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. By putting on fantasy lingerie, you can introduce a novel aspect into your love life and refresh the love that you already have for each other.
What Is Fantasy Lingerie, Exactly?
By wearing fantasy lingerie you could be able to alter into another character or another person for a short time. There are numerous kind themes for fantasy lingerie,Other fluid 2.75 pounds. Yet,hissing or popping sounds, the most favorite and likeable is French maid outfits. If you choose this theme then you should wear an incredibly short maid uniform and a feather duster.
Another recurrent favorite is the school girl clothes. It typically consists of a short plaid skirt, knee-high white socks, and a white bra or shirt. To give a nice touch to this clothes you could make your hair in pigtails.
The nurse attire is another fantasy lingerie getup that has been well-known for an incredibly long time. There is merely something about nurses that people discover sexy and tempting. When that nurse happens to be your partner dressed up in a short skirt, the fantasy becomes a pleasurable reality.
There is abundance of other systems to enjoy fantasy lingerie without having to dress up as a character. Really, just putting on beautiful lingerie and sexy shoes can be more than sufficient to drive your partner wild and lead to a fun and unforgettable time.
One of the major characteristics of fantasy lingerie is that it is theatrical, dramatic, and often absurd. It is clearly not meant to be similar to street clothes and sometimes bears only a passing resemblance to its real-life counterparts. That dramatic element is what enormous people like about fantasy lingerie is an obvious (and incredibly welcome) removal from reality.
Aforesaid fantasy lingerie is likely to give fun and magnificent experience to you and your partner. If you are planning to have this theme then make sure to discuss it with your partner and choose the most suitable one that is going to give convenience for you and your partner. Good luck!
So, are you now willing to know more about fantasy lingerie? Visit the links here, and these guidelines will make you smarter about it!
Besides transparent lingerie, there is also fantasy lingerie that is become renowned nowadays. By wearing fantasy lingerie by yourself or with your partner both of you could pretend to be imaginary characters while get closer to your partner. There are several most chosen for this fantasy attire . To give you some insights, take a look at the following information.
Fantasy lingerie is famous with both men and women. Putting on fantasy lingerie typically includes dressing up as something or someone else. By doing so, the fun will start. By imaging to be someone else, you are allowing your embarrassment go and inviting a little adventure into your life.
For enormous couples, this can be just the type of jump-start that is needed by their relationship. It's effortless to get incredibly comfy with a partner after a while. Be sure it will be so comfortable, in fact, since it feels predictable,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. By putting on fantasy lingerie, you can introduce a novel aspect into your love life and refresh the love that you already have for each other.
What Is Fantasy Lingerie, Exactly?
By wearing fantasy lingerie you could be able to alter into another character or another person for a short time. There are numerous kind themes for fantasy lingerie,Other fluid 2.75 pounds. Yet,hissing or popping sounds, the most favorite and likeable is French maid outfits. If you choose this theme then you should wear an incredibly short maid uniform and a feather duster.
Another recurrent favorite is the school girl clothes. It typically consists of a short plaid skirt, knee-high white socks, and a white bra or shirt. To give a nice touch to this clothes you could make your hair in pigtails.
The nurse attire is another fantasy lingerie getup that has been well-known for an incredibly long time. There is merely something about nurses that people discover sexy and tempting. When that nurse happens to be your partner dressed up in a short skirt, the fantasy becomes a pleasurable reality.
There is abundance of other systems to enjoy fantasy lingerie without having to dress up as a character. Really, just putting on beautiful lingerie and sexy shoes can be more than sufficient to drive your partner wild and lead to a fun and unforgettable time.
One of the major characteristics of fantasy lingerie is that it is theatrical, dramatic, and often absurd. It is clearly not meant to be similar to street clothes and sometimes bears only a passing resemblance to its real-life counterparts. That dramatic element is what enormous people like about fantasy lingerie is an obvious (and incredibly welcome) removal from reality.
Aforesaid fantasy lingerie is likely to give fun and magnificent experience to you and your partner. If you are planning to have this theme then make sure to discuss it with your partner and choose the most suitable one that is going to give convenience for you and your partner. Good luck!
So, are you now willing to know more about fantasy lingerie? Visit the links here, and these guidelines will make you smarter about it!
Friday, October 12, 2012
advertising and promotion of cosmetic products
Indian Cosmetic Market Ready to Escalate by Shushmul Maheshwari
According to our research report Indian Cosmetic Sector Analysis (2009-2012), the cosmetic industry is one of the rapidly growing industries in India. Our study shows that affordability and rising consumer base were the main drivers behind the high cosmetic sales of around INR 356.6 Billion (US$ 7.1 Billion) in 2009. Market players are getting lucrative opportunities as people have become more beauty conscious due to changing lifestyle and spreading consumer awareness.
Our research indicates that the Indian cosmetic industry is expected to remain on its growth track in coming years. It is anticipated that the industry will grow at a CAGR of around 17% between 2010 and 2013. The future growth will depend on increasing disposable income of middle class families. Besides, improving literacy rate, advertising and promotion of cosmetic products, rising awareness about personal care and western culture influence will further fuel growth in the cosmetic market,Try samples in the late afternoon. The power of smell is stronger during that time of day.. It is expected that the skin care and beauty salons will give impetus to the overall cosmetic market.
We have conducted a detailed and in-depth analysis of products and services of the Indian cosmetic market. Skin care, hair care, color cosmetic, fragrances, oral care, organized salon market, spa market and cosmetic surgeries are included in this analysis. Our research reveals that skin care is one of the most attractive segments of the cosmetic market,spinach. The facial skin care sub-segment is outperforming the overall skin care market. The study also shows that men cosmetics products are becoming more popular in India and the rural market occupies a major share of the cosmetic products market. Now, the companies have started moving towards the semi-urban cities and villages. These companies are focusing to expand their product portfolio in various ranges of products.
Our report Indian Cosmetic Sector Analysis (2009-2012) provides a deep insight on various segments of the cosmetic market, emerging trends that will help companies to expand in future. Further, the report has elaborated on behavior of consumer in India,You wont as youve used the train,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. In addition, the report provides the future forecast for cosmetic industry. Besides, our study of the competitive landscape of the industry will give an unbiased market picture that will prove decisive for clients.
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According to our research report Indian Cosmetic Sector Analysis (2009-2012), the cosmetic industry is one of the rapidly growing industries in India. Our study shows that affordability and rising consumer base were the main drivers behind the high cosmetic sales of around INR 356.6 Billion (US$ 7.1 Billion) in 2009. Market players are getting lucrative opportunities as people have become more beauty conscious due to changing lifestyle and spreading consumer awareness.
Our research indicates that the Indian cosmetic industry is expected to remain on its growth track in coming years. It is anticipated that the industry will grow at a CAGR of around 17% between 2010 and 2013. The future growth will depend on increasing disposable income of middle class families. Besides, improving literacy rate, advertising and promotion of cosmetic products, rising awareness about personal care and western culture influence will further fuel growth in the cosmetic market,Try samples in the late afternoon. The power of smell is stronger during that time of day.. It is expected that the skin care and beauty salons will give impetus to the overall cosmetic market.
We have conducted a detailed and in-depth analysis of products and services of the Indian cosmetic market. Skin care, hair care, color cosmetic, fragrances, oral care, organized salon market, spa market and cosmetic surgeries are included in this analysis. Our research reveals that skin care is one of the most attractive segments of the cosmetic market,spinach. The facial skin care sub-segment is outperforming the overall skin care market. The study also shows that men cosmetics products are becoming more popular in India and the rural market occupies a major share of the cosmetic products market. Now, the companies have started moving towards the semi-urban cities and villages. These companies are focusing to expand their product portfolio in various ranges of products.
Our report Indian Cosmetic Sector Analysis (2009-2012) provides a deep insight on various segments of the cosmetic market, emerging trends that will help companies to expand in future. Further, the report has elaborated on behavior of consumer in India,You wont as youve used the train,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots. In addition, the report provides the future forecast for cosmetic industry. Besides, our study of the competitive landscape of the industry will give an unbiased market picture that will prove decisive for clients.
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Thursday, October 11, 2012
or back hair removal for men
Body Hair Removal: Solutions For Today
As we as a race become increasingly conscious of the way others look at us and not just the way, we look at ourselves,easy to shape, personal grooming has never been more important. And top of the list for many men and women today is to gain a superior attractive quality by getting rid of unwanted body hair. Be it facial hair removal for women, or back hair removal for men, quick hair removal treatments have fast gained in popularity with the masses. As your search continues for the treatment best suited for you,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots, we have tried to put together a concise set of hair removal solutions available in the market today for your benefit.
The commonest form of quick hair removal today is shaving, which as the name suggests is the simple application of a razor blade, either manually or electrically on the skin surface to remove the hair by cutting the hair stem. While it's a quick painless hair removal method which is effective,seems quiet nerve-wracking. Beauty of that entertainment staff in this city runs thru the knife, it lasts only for very short bursts of time and can never be termed a permanent hair removal solution. Still for people short on time and low on cash, shaving still promises to be an affordable practical solution. For the slightly advanced enthusiast, depilatory creams are a good bet to do facial hair removal and leg hair removal. These creams effect quick hair removal through surface chemical reactions with the protein in your hair, breaking it down and making it easy to come off. Available in a variety of forms such as gels and aerosols and typically calcium-compound based, this treatment offers a solution which however is not a permanent hair removal method.
Of course, if you are a girl, you have probably gone through the painful procedure of waxing for body hair removal especially for hands and legs hair removal. Tweezing like waxing works by plucking the hair out of the skin right from its root s, thereby giving a hairless skin which can last for several weeks until the roots of the hair grow back. Electrolysis for hair removal on the other hand works on the principle of destabilizing the hair roots through surface electrical currents charged through electrodes implanted in the skin,provide validation our clients need to be comfortable in a purchase. While the effect of electrolysis hair removal is long standing in nature, frequent sessions and a serious dent on your bank balance are realistic possibilities that you need to keep in mind.
The best hair removal method available today is laser hair removal for men and women alike. This treatment is swift, precise, painless hair removal technique which normally guarantees an extended period of freedom from unwanted hair. In just a few sessions, whether it is facial hair removal or back hair removal, the laser technology effectively answers all your needs and desires for looking your personal best!
Visit your local salon or contact your beautician for understanding which of these hair removal treatments would work best for you. All the best to looking good and feeling great!!
As we as a race become increasingly conscious of the way others look at us and not just the way, we look at ourselves,easy to shape, personal grooming has never been more important. And top of the list for many men and women today is to gain a superior attractive quality by getting rid of unwanted body hair. Be it facial hair removal for women, or back hair removal for men, quick hair removal treatments have fast gained in popularity with the masses. As your search continues for the treatment best suited for you,3161 Ugg Classic Short Sparkles Silver Boots, we have tried to put together a concise set of hair removal solutions available in the market today for your benefit.
The commonest form of quick hair removal today is shaving, which as the name suggests is the simple application of a razor blade, either manually or electrically on the skin surface to remove the hair by cutting the hair stem. While it's a quick painless hair removal method which is effective,seems quiet nerve-wracking. Beauty of that entertainment staff in this city runs thru the knife, it lasts only for very short bursts of time and can never be termed a permanent hair removal solution. Still for people short on time and low on cash, shaving still promises to be an affordable practical solution. For the slightly advanced enthusiast, depilatory creams are a good bet to do facial hair removal and leg hair removal. These creams effect quick hair removal through surface chemical reactions with the protein in your hair, breaking it down and making it easy to come off. Available in a variety of forms such as gels and aerosols and typically calcium-compound based, this treatment offers a solution which however is not a permanent hair removal method.
Of course, if you are a girl, you have probably gone through the painful procedure of waxing for body hair removal especially for hands and legs hair removal. Tweezing like waxing works by plucking the hair out of the skin right from its root s, thereby giving a hairless skin which can last for several weeks until the roots of the hair grow back. Electrolysis for hair removal on the other hand works on the principle of destabilizing the hair roots through surface electrical currents charged through electrodes implanted in the skin,provide validation our clients need to be comfortable in a purchase. While the effect of electrolysis hair removal is long standing in nature, frequent sessions and a serious dent on your bank balance are realistic possibilities that you need to keep in mind.
The best hair removal method available today is laser hair removal for men and women alike. This treatment is swift, precise, painless hair removal technique which normally guarantees an extended period of freedom from unwanted hair. In just a few sessions, whether it is facial hair removal or back hair removal, the laser technology effectively answers all your needs and desires for looking your personal best!
Visit your local salon or contact your beautician for understanding which of these hair removal treatments would work best for you. All the best to looking good and feeling great!!
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